'What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you say.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday 22 June 2012

… ‘tis the stranger from Inky Fingers :-)

Sorry I’ve been so noticeably absent but I just haven’t wanted to stamp or do anything much for a while.  Life happens, hey ho, so I’m trying to get my ‘act together’ at the moment. 

I have been playing a little in my journals, though more off than on and more words than art, as you can see below…

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I had fun making colour charts for my Inktense pencils, too, though I’ve yet to do the same on watercolour paper, which I really must do.



I even got as far as going up in my little room and splodging inks but I just didn’t feel like using any of them. When I saw yesterday's date, however, I thought I’d better get my journal pages for the monthly mingle I’m taking part in done, before the month is over. I wasn’t happy with the first two pages, so I’ll put them in my own journal.  Here are the pages I made today.

CW to LE

I did some tidying up of stamps while there, too, though I have a shoe box full of stamps which need cleaning, but I’m hoping to get back in there soon and get back to ‘normality’ – whatever that is…..

Hope to ‘see’ you soon!


26 very kind comments from lovely people:

Inkypinkycraft said...

The pages for yur mingle look great and I love these colours! So sorry to hear you have things which are affecting you..sending you hugs and kind thoughts! Hugs trace x

sam21ski said...

Sorry to hear you've not felt up to doing much crafting lately, but as you say, life happens.

Glad you're getting back into it and having a dabble.

Sam xxx

Deborah said...

Love looking at your journal pages, even the colour charts look cool! Hope things look up for you soon.

Carol Q said...

we all have times when we don't want to stamp don't we Cath? hope you're okay. love those Michael thingy stamps (sorry his name escapes me at the mo)and I've always had a thing for colour charts. it's those graduating colours.

flutterbycrafter said...

Sorry you've not felt up to doing much, we all go through these patches, however your journal pages, so colourful xx

Sally H said...

It happens to us all Cath - no need to apologise. Love the journal pages, and of course the Michael Powell stamps. Hope it gets less frustrating very soon. Sending you a big hug

Ann B said...

Glad to see you back Cath, I did worry about how you were. Love the names they give to watercolour pencils - 'Mallard' and 'Iron Blue' make you want to use them.
Fab journal pages as ever.
Ann B

Marjie Kemper said...

Missed you, Cath! Glad to see all this eye candy from you and hoping your mojo is back in your heart soon. It sure seems to be back in your hands. That last spread is especially pulling me in. Hugs!

hazel said...

Glad to see you back Cath. Your pages are fabulous. I love the Michael Powell stamps, I've had some for a while and still not used them.
xxx Hazel.

Femmy said...

fabulous pages!!

Sandy said...

Welcome back my dear Cath,

I have missed you and your wonderful art.
Good to see you here.
Wonderful work again.

Have a lovely sunday my friend. xoxo

Liz (Chubby Frog) said...

Sorry to hear you've not been feeling that great - it's not a good place to be. Hopefully that's now behind you, and the beautiful pages that you've made will inspire you again. Love the colour charts, they look gorgeous.
Best wishes

Gery said...

Your today pages are really wonderful. Love the colouring of the Michael Powell stamps too.
Think the feeling of not wanting to do anything is hanging in the air.
I've read it on many blogs now and I'm feeling the same and my computer too.
Listen to the saying about the angel in your left sidebar.
When the time is there, she will help you with your inspiration and don't force anything.
Whishing you rest, peace of mind and good luck.
Love Gery

Anonymous said...

Hop everything is oke with you. Love what you have been up too. Great pages.

Martina said...

You don`t need to apologize, Cath! Such a phase I have too at the moment.
Glad you're back now. Your new work is fantastic. Just as always!
Have a nice sunday.

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

Hi Cath, These pages are adorable and very very beautiful. I understand your love for your pages I do also and have made the last time art journals on my other (marjascreativity.blogspot.nl) blog
I love to do that also because I could not make cards because of a knee injury.Now all is well and everything allright.
Thanks for your kind comments and lovely greet from me

Karen P said...

The colours and images are wonderful. Stop being so hard on yourself the mo jo will return, it's just a little bit of a rotter and reappears when least expected sending you crafty hugs Karen x

froebelsternchen said...

It will come the time to stamp again... muse is soemwhere else to spend a few days out and after this time she will come again... your pages are just awesome... so I think it is not the missing muse..it´s because you have to try out new techniques and bring your art to a new level!

xxx Susi

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wonderful pieces. Sorry to read, that your mojo has gone, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll feel better soon.

G Peplow said...

All the lovlier when you do arrive Cath LOL Lots to feast my eyes on today :0) Fab colours and beautiful, thoughtful journal pages. Hope you feel more inclined to get inky again soon, Gay xxx

Tessa said...


xx Tessa

Unknown said...

such a great piece, love the colours you have used as well, they really do give it something

Judie xx

Rosie said...

I love this, and you've reminded me of an important truth. I definitely NEED to go do something crazy ....!

Sophie said...

Super schön :-)

Ineke Original said...

Just love this! Well done!

froebelsternchen said...

this is such a beauty piece Cath! I adore it!