'What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you say.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday 26 October 2018

is the theme of this week’s Make My Monday challenge, so I made this… using Rusty Hinge, Dried Marigold, Victorian Velvet and Aged Mahogany Distress Oxides. I used several stamps from different companies, but mainly Art Journey stamps and Paperartsy.


I’m gonna shock you today and just post ONE card, Winking smileOpen-mouthed smile and entering ONE challenge, lol.

Thanks for dropping by

See you soon



7 very kind comments from lovely people:

froebelsternchen said...

One card and it is AWESOME! Beautiful !
Happy weekend dear Cath!

Neet said...

If I was a challenge card maker and saw this subject I would be completely stumped! Yet you have nailed it perfectly, what a fabulous card Cath. Looks as if you have put such a lot of thought into it and obviously you know your stamps as this child is just perfect.
Hugs, Neet xx

Meggymay said...

A brilliant numbers card Cath and the colours you used look fabulous as a background.
Yvonne xx

EmmaT said...

This is Fantastic, brilliant use of all the different stamps. Thank you for joining us at Make My Monday. Emma

Sue - said...

A great artsy design! Thanks for joining us at Make My Monday.

crafty-stamper said...

Another fabulous background love the stamps
Carol x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love this Cath - great image and fabulous background! Chrisx