'What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you say.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Today, I'm focusing on being thankful for rubber stamps and for stamping!
I was never 'into' art or anything remotely considered artistic - other than knitting, sewing, rug making and a bit of doodling, but I had played around with Calligraphy and other forms of Word art, especially desk top publishing, through which I created cards, posters, etc.

Then, one day a (still precious) friend showed me her stamps... but I was most interested in being able to write with a broad nibbed embossing pen and gold emboss it...wow! Amazingly, another close friend sent me a stamped birthday card that year. We both joined a Yahoo stamping group (the internet was new, then!) and things snowballed from there. To cut a long story short, I ended up with an online business and a shop, doing the local show (Port Sunlight) and some others (helped by that same friend) ... for ten years! I have met so many wonderful people, made long lasting (some closer than others) friendships with people from all over the world and have done all kinds of things I never in a million years expected to do... and I still love stamping, 20+ years on! 

Here's today's page... I had no intention of using flowers but spotted them in a box of bits and they looked good... I'd already coloured and fussy cut them, so I edged them, drew stems and stuck them onto the stamped and stencilled background. 
My trusty label maker generated the words.

I'm linking to 
Sweet Stampin, Make Your Own Background
More Mixed Media, ATG (optional black)
Mix it Up, ATG, with optional watercolouring 
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge
Thank you for calling in...
Back soon

13 very kind comments from lovely people:

craftytrog said...

Great to hear your crafting story Cath! Think I was in your Yahoo group at one point, but didn't have time to keep up.
Your page is beautiful, the flowers look wonderful on that green, stamped background.
Alison xx

DVArtist said...

Cath I truly love how you create your backgrounds. It feels like street art and then you place these beautiful flowers. A contrast that works so well.

Sue said...

Cath this is beautiful, I love your grungy background and these pretty stamps look fabulous against the contrast. Where would we be without label makers lol. Thanks so much for joining in with our challenge at Country View Crafts and have a very happy week, Sue xx

NatureFootstep said...

lol, the green and purple was just right for me at this time :)

Mrs.B said...

A lovely page Cath, the flowers look stunning against your background.
Avril xx

My name is Erika. said...

I didn't know any of this, of course, but you've done some fascinating things. I got hooked on rubber stamps through scrapbooking, and forget the scrapbooking, I love my rubber stamps and my not too small collection. Your page is really gorgeous Cath. Those colors are amazing. As well as the details that you used. I like this month of thankfulness. Hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I really enjoyed the back story to your obsession with stamps. I had no idea you had a shop. No wonder you are such a popular stamper and make such incredible cards. This latest one is simply gorgeous. The colors are lovely, too.

It's been a LONG time since I've used my very old label maker. I really MUST get it out and use it. Thanks for the inspiration.

Neet said...

Another wonderful page Cath. Reading all about you, most of which I knew (I even think I know who the friend is who introduced you to stamping) I was surprised with the use of the word "friend" you did not include that amongst your words to be thankful for. Perhaps you have used it previously and this old brain of mine is not working.
Anyway, that aside, I love the page! The green of the background provides the perfect background for those flowers in lilac and I love the various stamps you have used to create your background and the circles too.
A beautiful page - again!
Hugs, Neet xx

María said...

This page is full of colour with that green background and the contrasts in black and white you've done. I also like the colours you've chosen for the flowers and the sentiment is fantastic.

Thanks for sharing your story it makes this page more special, María, xx.

Linda Kunsman said...

what a wonderful story about your stamping adventure Cath. I began stamping over 20 years ago myself:)
Your card is just gorgeous!! The green background is a perfect backdrop to showcase the beautiful purple blooms!

Irmelin Palmgren said...

What a beautiful project. Love how the flowers "pops" out from the background. Thanks for joining us this month at We Love 2 create. Hugs from DT-Irmelin

Aimeslee Winans said...

The colors you chose are the cools that speak to me. I love those flowers. Ah yes, Yahoo groups. They served their purposes well for many years. I was in a bunch of them. I owned an income tax and accounting biz for 20 years. Sole proprietors have the hardest jobs as they wear all the hats. It was my baby tho and hard to give up but I am glad I did (doctors orders because of the high stress). xoxox

Ann Chuang Crafts said...

Another amazing project!! I adore the text background and colors! Thanks for sharing your project at Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Hope to see you again soon!! HUGS!
Ann DT