'What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you say.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Today, I'm thankful for one of my favourite things...trees!
I'm sure I've done this before because I love them so much. 
I just think there's something very special about them, especially the huge, old trees that have seen so much history and been around hundreds of years...maybe even longer. Just imagine all the things they've seen...

There's a real sense of a beating heart in them and you can almost feel it pulsating through the trunk. This time of year is very special because they've shed their seeds as well as their leaves...ensuring that they will live on. 
There is so much about them that fascinates me, including recent(ish) results in the field of quantum biology... go here if you're interested. Despite the fact that I can't always absorb the details, let alone get my head around them, Quantum physics amazes me. It literally makes my head hurt 😊😉 
But it doesn't stop me being fascinated and trying to understand! 
There is always so much more to learn and yet there remains so much mystery...

I used Distress Oxides over gesso with lots of water droplets and spatters of ink.

Thanks for calling in
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6 very kind comments from lovely people:

craftytrog said...

What a stunning page Cath! I love the colours and quote! Trees are so amazing, I love them too.
Hope you had a great weekend,
Alison xx

My name is Erika. said...

I often think about how old trees have seen so much of history. They are fascinating when you learn about them. And your page is fabulous. The pink sunrise/sunset color knocked my socks off. Wow. Perfect for this grey November afternoon. Hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love trees, too. In fact, I wrote a poem that was published in a National magazine about trees. This is a fabulous journal entry, Cath. I love the colors you chose, too. So warm and inviting.

DVArtist said...

Cath this is GORGEOUS!!! I don't know where you live but here in the Northwest we still have old growth forest that is protected. Also if you go down south from Oregon to N Cal. There are the redwoods that have trees bigger than houses. It is amazing to see.

Neet said...

Trees always fascinate me. The leaves, how the colours change with the seasons, the bark how it differs with the variety of tree and the fruit it bears. There is nothing nicer than taking a walk in autumn through the woods with the leaves rustling underneath your feet - then this is quickly followed by winter when we can see the shape of the trees themselves and the landscape changes so much. Spring brings new life and beautiful shades of green fill our woods and then we have summer. What a lot of joy we get from trees, and what a lot we have to learn from them.
Love the background you have made Cath, such pretty colours and lovely words.
Hus, Neet x

Aimeslee Winans said...

This reminds me of the 1,000-yr-old live oak tree down the gulf coast south of where I live, about 2 hours away, in Rockport, Texas. It's supposed to be the oldest tree in Texas. We went to see it years ago and it is massive. As for quantum physics' presence in botany, I wouldn't doubt it. This may make me a bad Episcopalian, but my personal belief is that God is a scientist...weird, maybe, but yeah. ;-) xoxo